Tuesday, March 23, 2010

upcoming event with the Order of Cosmic Engineers

giulio prisco, of the order of cosmic engineers, has kindly invited me to Second Life to talk about Apocalyptic AI and give everyone an opportunity to tell me how abysmally wrong i am about everything. it should be a lot of fun, so do come out and join us! i'll chat for about 20 minutes and then we'll open it up for discussion.

the event will be held in the Singularity Club on the Transvision Nexus island in Second Life at 1 p.m. EST, tuesday, march 30.

so, grab yourself a glass of early afternoon wine, sit yourself down at a computer, and head on into virtual reality to talk about, well, virtual reality.


  1. Howdy Robert!
    I was wondering where Giulio will post the recording of your lecture today. My audio was awful and I wanted to catch what I missed. What I got was great. Thank you!

  2. @Katy: I posted a video and audio recording. Unfortunately I could only record the presentation, not the very interesting Q/A:

    Apocalyptic AI - book presentation and discussion in Second Life, Tuesday March 30, 10am PST

  3. thanks a lot for recording the presentation, giulio. i had a lot of fun and hope all the audience enjoyed themselves also.

    and thanks for the compliment, katy!
